01 January 2024
FROM PLANE TO PLANET The Company innovates and improves processes to deliver products and services that are friendly to the environment. We manage waste that is produced from the Company’s business operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This has been done through reducing, reusing, and recycling biomaterials and resources. Several products can be put back into value chains to for further uses. The Company promotes and encourages the efficient use of natural resources, as well as rehabilitating the environment and ecosystem.
FROM WASTE TO WEALTH The Company generates appropriate business profits and sustainably transfer returns to stakeholders, further builds on used and deteriorated resources for growth opportunities together with communities and surrounding society, promotes access for the underprivileged to generate sustainable prosperity and growth. The Company’s sustainable development goals are as follows.
FROM PURPLE TO PURPOSE The Company operates with importance given to every human being. We aim to elevate our corporate standards in the aspect of corporate governance, integrity, transparency, and equal treatment of stakeholders. We aim to drive and propel sustainable development of communities and the surrounding society
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