Preparation for air travel
- Avoid traveling in remote areas.
- Consult your family doctor regarding appropriate medications, vaccinations, etc.
- For any existing, chronic illness, to ensure that health conditions are safe for the trip, keep any necessary medication in your hand luggage.
- Pack appropriate clothing for the destination.
- Confirm your health insurance before flying
During flight
- Exercise and try to move around in the aircraft to prevent blood clots.
- Keep hydrated by drinking a lot of water; avoid alcohol and coffee.
At the destination
- Elderly passengers ¬– like small children – are more prone to severe dehydration, therefore they should avoid long term sun exposure.
- Prevent constipation by increasing water intake or using laxatives if necessary.
- Be mindful of food and water hygiene.
- Take adequate rest to adjust to the local time zone.
- Keep skin clean to avoid infections.