Contact Royal Orchid Plus

  • To find complete program information and manage member account online at
  • To inquire program and member information at :
    • Email :
    • Telephone : 66(0) 2356 1111
    • Fax : 66(0) 2545 3300
  • To make a reservation for Air Award at :
    • Telephone : 66(0) 2356 1111
    • THAI world-wide city offices

Members Service Centre, Bangkok


Royal Orchid Plus

Thai Airways International

P.O. Box567

Samsen Nai Post Office

Bangkok 10400


Tel: 66 (0) 2356 1111

Fax: 66 (0) 2545 3300


Award Travel Reservations in Thailand


Tel : 02 356 1111

Chiang Mai

Tel: 053 920 999

Tel: 053 920 952-3 


Tel: 076 211 195

Hat Yai

Tel: 074 230 445

Royal Orchid Plus On-Line Service Locations

Royal Orchid Plus On-Line Service Locations in Thailand:

Chiang Mai

Tel:  053 920 952-3

Fax: 053 920 995

Hat Yai

Tel:  074 230 445

Fax: 074 233 114


Tel: 076 360 444

Fax: 076 360 485

Royal Orchid Plus On-Line Service Locations Abroad:

Beijing, China

Tel:  86 10 851 50088

Fax: 86 10 851 51134

Copenhagen, Denmark

Tel:  45 33 750 190

Fax: 45 33 750 121

Frankfurt, Germany

Tel:  49 69 9287 4445

Fax: 49 69 9287 4222

Hong Kong, China

Tel:  852 2179 7700

Fax: 852 2179 7600

Jakarta, Indonesia

Tel:  62 21 230 2552

Fax: 62 21 319 30792

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel:  60 3 2031 2900

Fax: 60 3 2032 5805

London, United Kingdom

Tel:  44 207 907 9532

Fax: 44 207 907 9538

Los Angeles, U.S.A.

Tel:  1 800 426 5204

Fax: 1 210 322 8728

Madrid, Spain

Tel:   34 91 782 0520-2

Fax: 34 91 564 5620

Manila, Philippines

Tel:  63 2 580 8424

Fax: 63 2 580 8484

New Delhi, India

Tel:  91 11 5149 6100

Fax: 91 11 5149 6200

Paris, France

Tel:  33 1 556 88076

Fax: 33 140907165

Rome, Italy

Tel:  39 06 4781 3302

Fax: 39 06 474 6449

Seoul, Korea

Tel:  82 2 3707 0199

Fax: 82 2 752 9697

Shanghai, China

Tel:  86 21 5298 5555

Fax: 86 21 5298 616


Tel:  65 6210 5027

Fax: 65 6223 9005

Stockholm, Sweden

Tel:  46 8 598 836 00

Fax: 46 8 5988 3690

Sydney, Australia

Tel: 1300 651960 (Australia Wide)

Fax: 61 2 9251 1106

Taipei, Taiwan

Tel:  886 2 8772 5222

Fax: 886 2 8772 7200

Tokyo, Japan

Tel:  81(0) 3 3503 3311(Japan Wide)

Fax: 81(0) 3 3593 0512